Daily Create #tdc3066

Once the the epidemic hit and schools were starting to close, I heard so many things going on. Students had to take Zoom classes, which yes many of us did as well. This image made me think of a teacher going to their classroom getting ready to teach in the morning, deciding to make the environment more comfortable for the students and for themselves by being where they normally teach. I saw many posts online about college professors doing this, I’m not sure if high school teachers would be able to do the same, I highly doubt it, but I found the thought entertaining and comforting.


Daily Create #tdc3066

I really felt for this image. Someday I plan on being a teacher so seeing this image with a mindset that the classroom was empty because of Covid-19 broke my heart. I originally wanted to answer the prompt with a story about how the teacher can’t teach for the rest of the year because of the virus. As I went through the thread some other people had done that so I wanted to put a twist on it and tie in the Black Lives Matter movement. This is a movement that is rippling throughout the nation and even the world. I find it incredibly important so I wanted to address it in my Daily Create.
