Daily Create #tdc3069

Image Credit: My Mother 🙂

I was not entirely sure how to go about making today’s daily create, as it was definitely up for interpretation! I decided to use an image taken in my backyard of a hummingbird for this assignment. I cannot take credit for the picture as my mother took it, but I did add the ’emotional coloring’ twist to the image. If you look closely you can see that the hummingbird is actually sticking out its tongue!

To add the emotional color effect to this picture I used an app called StoryArt. The app has a bunch of cool features like templates, effects, borders, etc., that can be used for both images and videos. I tried using a few different apps that I have on my phone, but I did not like the way things were coming out. For the final product, I ended up using the filter LO3 to create the light streak and tonal change on the picture.

Background Story on the Apple Tree

The apple tree pictured was actually not in our backyard 16 years ago when we first moved into our house. The original tree is actually a few houses over in my neighbors yard. When my brother and I were younger we use to take the apples from our neighbor’s tree and make ‘pies’ with them. One time we picked a bunch of apples, made our pies, and once we were done we dumped them down the cliff in our backyard. A few years later this apple tree appeared! Now the tree is so big that smaller surrounding apple trees are growing as well. It’s so fascinating to have watched this tree grow as my brother and I have over the years!


Postmodern Bird with Emotional Coloring

I wasn’t super confident in my understanding for this assignment. Postmodern art or ideas is not something I know much about, but I think I understood the coloring part. I just drew in my notebook for this assignment and used an editor to put a blur effect on it. In terms of the coloring I just used the basic cool vs warm coloring, I feel that they typically represent rather opposite emotions. I am not much of an artist but I liked this assignment. I almost enjoy when I do not fully understand a daily create topic because then it allows me to really push myself creatively, something I usually try to avoid, but I think it is good for me to try.


Daily Create #tdc3069

For this daily create I thought highlighting on Birds was really neat! Yet I thought the task of creating “emotional coloring” to a picture would pose challenging. I liked the post they highlighted on the Daily Create homepage with the Toucan. That’s quite a colorful bird and offers a spectrum of colors to choose from. My photo is actually one I had saved from my trip to Mexico. My group was visiting an old amphitheater that had built-in pools surrounding the stage. It hosted to tons of different creatures, now that it’s out of use. It is where I found this duck, which I’ve come to find out is the “Muscovy Duck.”

In order to try and capture an “emotional coloring” I utilized the program GIMP and tried my hands at image manipulation. My first thought was to grab the red-coloring of the bill and use that to try to add highlights to the duck. But that posed difficult as it would add quite drastic shades of red. I instead drew around the duck and attempted to manipulate the color settings of that particular part of the image. That was successful and allowed me to manipulate the hue of the image as well as the base colors such as red/blue/green. I also added some more red to the background in order to capture the effect. For a first time using GIMP I thought I did alright. Hope you enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3069

For The Daily Create’s challenge for June 7th, 2020, the challenge was to design a postmodern birdie with an emotional color. Looking through my photos, I remembered that while I was Belize, I had taken pictures of a lot of birds, one of favorites being a male Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus); the little guy picture above was always very chipper in the morning, bee-bopping from treetop to treetop, making it very difficult to get a picture. This is one of my favorite pictures I got of him, nestled in the over-crossing of branches and leaves high up in the trees. Turning this bird into a postmodern birdie with emotional colors, I decided to use the colors yellow and green. The color yellow emotionally symbolizes things such as bright, sunny, energetic, warm, happy, and joy; the color green emotionally symbolizes things such as freshness, the environment, money, fertility, and the earth. I chose to use yellow shadows to enhance the bird’s dark colored body to now resemble it’s perky, bright, and energetic behavior. I also chose to use green hues to enhance the environmental aspects of the picture, such as the branches and leaves, to resemble the freshness of the earth and area the bird was in. Putting these colors into this photo made the birds body pop with the shadows of yellow, and the environmental aspects around him, making for a fun and eccentric postmodern birdie displaying emotional colors.

I have also provided another picture based off of this Daily Create challenge of my rat Casper, pictured on the left. I chose to use the colors blue and pink for his emotional colors. The color blue emotionally symbolizes tranquility, security, loyalty, peace, and trust; the color pink emotionally symbolizes healthy, happy, sweet, compassionate, and playful. I chose to use pink hues to enhance Casper’s happy, compassionate, and playful behavior while using blue shadows to enhance his tranquility, security, and trust in his home environment. I hope you have enjoyed my take on a postmodern birdie/rat using emotional colors!
