Daily Create – #tdc3078

I’m a little behind on Daily Create(s) so I thought I would use the recent prompts to get a hold of that. Today’s daily create was a silly one as it asks the creators to tweet about their favorite time of day. Giving the example of “night time is the best time.” To me this is such an arbitrary idea but also posed some interest at the same time. I feel we get desensitized to the times of the day as we experience them so often. Yet some people do go out of their way to try and value these times such as the day, or night.

For my Tweet I chose to pick the time of dusk as I really enjoy all the crazy colors that occur. My family and I live up on a hill so we always get an awesome look of the sunset. My mom and I have managed to capture tons of amazing images from the sunsets we’ve seen. The idea of the sunset can be kinda symbolic as it points toward the end of the day/ the end of a cycle. We’ll eventually return to the sunset only for it to move on once again. It’s interesting how we may capture the sunset now but we’ll never be able to capture the same sunset ever again.


ds106 – Color Walk Timeline

Hey guys! Had some crappy weather over the weekend so thought I’d go and take care of the Color Walk Assignment today. But! Instead of a color Walk assignment, I did a color “kayak” assignment in it’s place.

Me and my mom were able to escape the house while I was able to take care of this project. We went over to Pleasant Pond which is where my grandparents have their camp. Once we arrived I decided I would start the “Walk” from the beginning of my grandparents property. That’s where you will see the Red Mailbox in the First Image. I’ll detail the remainder of my journey from here;

3:34 – Initial Arrival – I ran up to the start of the driveway and snagged a picture of the mailbox. Then continuing down the road where I got the photos of the Red Brick & Red Trailer. Both the Red Flowers were also taken around that time as my grandmother had just recently been planting

3:36 – Setting off – Once we were all set with life jackets we grabbed a kayak from their compartment and took off into the pond.

3:45 – High Winds – We mostly stuck to the side of the pond as it was particularly windy today. I was able to snag a few photos of nearby canoes as well as those chairs that had been placed in an interesting upside-down fashion.

3:52 – Red Sailor – Once we made it past the boat with the Red lining we decided to cut across the pond and head back. The wind wasn’t working in our favor and my mom was getting sick of it. We attempted to cut right back to the house but we encountered some very turbulent waves. At one point, I got splashed big time. So I decided to try and shift my weight to the side opposite of the waves and that seemed to help out.

4:07 – Return Home – After our windy encounter, my mom and I decided to head back to the beach. Once we made it back I decided to take a picture of my grandparents red birdhouse and their “Pleasant Pond” sign. Kinda like an advertisement for all of the things this pond has to offer as well as cementing the journey so far.

Making this sure was a dozy. I was able to use/ semi understand the Timeline JS program. Once I had all my photos added to Flickr the process became relatively simple. I wasn’t sure if you necessarily had to post the spreadsheet to the web or not (website was showing weird errors) but I was able to submit my photos accordingly. Hope you guys enjoy!


ds106 – Selfie w/ Pet

Winter and I enjoying the Outdoor Sunshine

This mound of fluff is my dog “Winter.” Winter is a Bernese Mountain dog and turned five years old around the beginning of May. He is a big cuddler and enjoys tons of attention. Although he may look like a goofball I think he is one of the smartest dogs around. Winter is a really good listener and I swear he can understand the things we say to him. It’s only a matter of time before he starts talking back!

Winter was sort of a surprise for my family as just before we had him we had a female Bernese Mountain dog named Della. Della passed away during the end of my first-year of college. A short while after her passing my mother went out and picked up this big guy. Winter was the mutt of his litter but that didn’t stop his unique shine.

When originally picking up Winter, he had actually fallen through a nearby barn’s floorboards. Where the owners then had to fish him out from under the barn. Once they brought him up to the surface he was covered in dust and debris. But still just being a enjoyable little puppy he didn’t care nonetheless.

With the recent stay-at-home order it’s given me plenty of time to connect with Winter. I enjoy bringing him outside and soaking up this wonderful weather we’ve been having. It’s been good to get out and enjoy some sunshine while also playing with my dog. Although Winter does give me some trouble I think he’s a really good friend.


Daily Create #tdc3059

I thought today’s daily create was a special one as we as creators are able to put our own hometowns out on the spotlight. It’s good to acknowledge our roots and pay the respect that they deserve. Even if it’s in a fun quirky Postcard format. I enjoyed going out into my town trying to find a landmark that could pose as my postcard.

In the end, I chose to focus on my town’s main office as it’s a hot-spot for the Turner public. While taking the picture I did get a couple of funny looks but was quick to take the photo and assemble what I needed. I’m not sure if people are more irritable than usual since we’ve been dealing with all this heat and the corona business. The town office is certainly an interesting place as they cater to wide variety of things. My town is quite small so this town office definitely suites our little community.

While making this postcard I used Indesign and a photo I had taken earlier in the day. I used 4 boxes to create the green border around the original image and fit the main text underneath. All in all this took me about 15-20 minutes to complete the postcard.
