What Rosa Parks Might’ve Done in Social Media –

When thinking about a historical figure for the “What They Might’ve Done in Social Media” DS106 Assignment, Rosa Parks instantly came to my mind; she is a strong historical figure, and with all that is currently going on with the “Black Lives Matters” protests, I found this fitting for the point our society is currently in.

Thinking about who Rosa Parks was, she sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott by refusing to surrender her seat to a white passenger, and this was caused all based off of the color of her skin. From her refusal to give up her seat, her act was what lead to the end of racial segregation in public places and facilities. Without Rosa Parks standing up in this way, we could still be dealing with the racial segregation that haunted her times; however, all it takes is one act to start a movement, and her act definitely did such a thing.

If social media was around during Rosa Parks’ time, I would assume her posts would look similar to what is pictured above; this is a Twister post I created for Rosa Parks back on March 5, 1954, before the Montgomery Bus Boycott movement started. It places her back in her time when people of different color had to give up their seats for those of white privilege, something she faced all too much during her time, all for a seat on the bus.

I feel if social media was around during Rosa Parks’ time, she would have started the boycott a lot sooner than 1955; this is due to the power social media has. Social media gives individuals the ability to post something they chose, and that content can be liked, shared, or commented on by as many people that wish to. With power like that given to an individual, the awareness for racial segregation back during Parks’ times would have received a lot of attention I feel, especially if majority of people were showing this was an issue and needed to be resolved quickly.


DS106 What They Might Have Done in Social Media

For this assignment, I had to create fake social media for aa historical person, for some reason my mind went immediately to Anne Frank. She was a teenager and had a diary, she probably would have loved social media if it was a think in the 1940’s. Now I know this is a super serious topic and I don’t by any means think it isn’t, but I tried to make it silly as if a teenager was actually tweeting and posting on Facebook. I have always loved this part of history, in fact it is probably the only park of history that actually interests me, I think it sparked when I read her diary and went to Washington DC and saw the Holocaust Museum. It has also always been a dream of mine to visit the historical annex in Amsterdam.

I think for Anne to have social media back then, she might have not felt so isolated (I mean I can’t blame her). I mean I think if she did have technology and was actively posting, it probably would blow the cover of where her family was with tracking devices logistically but we don’t have to think like that.

I created Anne to be a little sassy, she is a typical teen on social media, bored, obviously. She used her Facebook account as her diary instead of paper and her Twitter to mock the “fans”. Her username is hidden.af, af as in Anne Frank but interpret it as you wish.
