Digital Story Compilation

Featured in this video are some of my favorite DS106 assignments. I used iMovie to make this and then unloaded it to Youtube to post it here, which did not work! The video format was not supported, most likely because the file was too large, but I was able to unload it to Twitter and share it this way!


Daily Create #tdc3084

The Daily Create challenge for Monday, June 22nd was to tweet about what your favorite food would be if all food was in paste form. Thinking about this, a lot of food items came to mind for me, such as peanut butter or chocolate spreads (i.e., Nutella). I wanted to pick something that was widely available in its use, and not to be used for only specific things; this is when I thought of hummus! Being a vegetarian, hummus has to be by far one of my favorites food pastes because of how many flavors and uses it has. You can choose to dip your favorite veggies in a roasted red pepper flavored hummus, spread a everything flavored hummus on your bagel or sandwich, or use a chocolate flavored hummus for dip as a midnight snack. Hummus is very universal in its use and one of the more flavorful choices of food pastes out there currently. It’s one of my favorite foods and I eat it almost daily with snacks or meals. What’s your favorite food in food paste form?


Daily Create #tdc3078

The Daily Create challenge for June 16th, 2020, was to upload a picture of your favorite part of the day. My favorite time of the day is sunset, closing the day with a beautiful display of the sun’s last rays touching the Earth, casting it’s shadow far and wide until it slowly recedes into the darkness. Sunset has always been a time of day I find peace and mindfulness in, especially at the ocean. For example, when I was going to school at UNE, I would take many trips – as I’m sure many did – to Fortune’s Rocks Beach; this beach is one I love and went to quite often, sitting on the rocky-wall shoreline and watching the waves crash to and fro on the shore. When the sun sets along the horizon of the ocean, it’s one of the most beautiful things from nature I’ve ever seen. The way the sun reflects and glistens on the surface of the water, replacing it’s full spherical shape by slipping what seems like beneath the waves and into the ocean’s abyss. The colors at sunset are also a breathtaking sight to see, from the pinks and purples twirling around that make the clouds look cotton candy-like, to the oranges and yellows of the sun’s rays mixing with the blue sky, all the vanish within a few minutes. Sunset is my favorite time of day, what’s yours?


Daily Create #tdc3077

The Daily Create challenge for June 15th, 2020, was to introduce your pet in a tweet and tweet something they would say if they could talk. Many of you have probably been introduced to my pet from my other posts and pages, but this is my pet male albino rat, Casper! He is almost one year old, he will be on June 22nd, 2020. Casper is very expressive and playful rat, always wanting to socialize and be loved by myself or anyone who will interact with him. When thinking about what Casper would say, I felt the caption above in my Tweet really captures who Casper is: “Hi! My name is Casper! My favorite things to do are running around in my ball, eating all the treats I can (especially banana chips), and snuggling/annoying my mom!”

Casper loves running around his ball; when I work out in the morning, as I’m getting ready, he’ll start jumping around his cage and getting excited because he knows it’s his ball time. He is also trained to get a treat after he’s been out and plays with people, with his favorites being banana chips, flavored fruit yogies (like little chocolate chips, but flavored with fruit and yogurt), and orange-cranberry cookies. Casper is quite playful and loves to be snuggled, especially when I have him out on my bed while watching TV or doing homework; he’ll crawl up right beside me and snuggle right up, wanting to be pet and loved. He can also be quite the sneak, sometimes trying to climb on things he shouldn’t or hide behind things. Casper is a pet I am lucky to have as I’ve never owned a rat who’s been so expressive and loving in his personality, especially towards people. Casper is definitely my pride and joy, and is a pet I will always love and cherish because of the strong bond I have with him.

Daily Create #tdc3070

Who couldn’t relate to this?!

The Daily Create Challenge for June 8th, 2020, was to, “Add a GIF making funny faces! Let’s make it fun!” Brainstorming about what GIF I would chose, I went to Twitter to begin my post and typed “funny faces” into the GIF search bar. Scrolling through, I found the GIF pictured above and started hysterically laughing because of how relatable this face is! This face reminds me of the face a person usually makes when they’re really excited about something while looking at their phone; this is typically the reaction I produce when I get paid, which is where my post idea generated from. A pay schedule is usually pretty routine, with mine at the moment being weekly payments every Friday morning. Every Friday when I wake up, I go to my bank account app and always have a smile spread across my face when I see I’ve been paid, but who wouldn’t? Pay day is the day where you can relax a little more and take the time to sit in the moment, because being paid for the work you do is an overall good feeling. So, enjoy this lovely GIF of what my pay day experience is like!


Daily Create #tdc3069

For The Daily Create’s challenge for June 7th, 2020, the challenge was to design a postmodern birdie with an emotional color. Looking through my photos, I remembered that while I was Belize, I had taken pictures of a lot of birds, one of favorites being a male Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus); the little guy picture above was always very chipper in the morning, bee-bopping from treetop to treetop, making it very difficult to get a picture. This is one of my favorite pictures I got of him, nestled in the over-crossing of branches and leaves high up in the trees. Turning this bird into a postmodern birdie with emotional colors, I decided to use the colors yellow and green. The color yellow emotionally symbolizes things such as bright, sunny, energetic, warm, happy, and joy; the color green emotionally symbolizes things such as freshness, the environment, money, fertility, and the earth. I chose to use yellow shadows to enhance the bird’s dark colored body to now resemble it’s perky, bright, and energetic behavior. I also chose to use green hues to enhance the environmental aspects of the picture, such as the branches and leaves, to resemble the freshness of the earth and area the bird was in. Putting these colors into this photo made the birds body pop with the shadows of yellow, and the environmental aspects around him, making for a fun and eccentric postmodern birdie displaying emotional colors.

I have also provided another picture based off of this Daily Create challenge of my rat Casper, pictured on the left. I chose to use the colors blue and pink for his emotional colors. The color blue emotionally symbolizes tranquility, security, loyalty, peace, and trust; the color pink emotionally symbolizes healthy, happy, sweet, compassionate, and playful. I chose to use pink hues to enhance Casper’s happy, compassionate, and playful behavior while using blue shadows to enhance his tranquility, security, and trust in his home environment. I hope you have enjoyed my take on a postmodern birdie/rat using emotional colors!


Daily Create #tdc3066

I really felt for this image. Someday I plan on being a teacher so seeing this image with a mindset that the classroom was empty because of Covid-19 broke my heart. I originally wanted to answer the prompt with a story about how the teacher can’t teach for the rest of the year because of the virus. As I went through the thread some other people had done that so I wanted to put a twist on it and tie in the Black Lives Matter movement. This is a movement that is rippling throughout the nation and even the world. I find it incredibly important so I wanted to address it in my Daily Create.


Daily Create #tdc3056

Going onto the DS106DC Twitter page today, I saw the daily create challenge was to draw your foot; I instantly thought, “Ew… I hate feet…nope!” However, after pondering it for a bit, I realized that I had never taken on the challenge of drawing a part of the human anatomy before, not even a face, let alone a foot. So, I decided to draw my own foot. This was a relaxing and mindful activity for me to do, and I enjoyed being able to sketch again, which is something I haven’t done in a while. As I sat and angled my foot, I got to work with my pencil and sketch pad and started by outlining my big toe, following it done the inside arc of my foot to my heel, adding in some ankles and a leg, and back up the other side. I did the toes last because to me they felt like the most difficult aspect of sketching my foot. I’m pretty satisfied with how it turned out! Though it may be a rough sketch and not shaded or quite realistic, it’s as much of a foot as I would be able to draw!
