Daily Create #tdc3072

If I were an animal I think I would want to be a whale. It always amazes me and also frightens me when I realize that something this big lives in our oceans. I have always considered the ocean to be a pretty powerful thing, but when you consider everything that lives in the ocean, including the unknown, I instantly become frightened.

I was actually reading an article the other day on the American astronaut Kathy Sullivan who was the first American woman to walk in space. Just this week she also became the first woman to dive to the deepest point in the ocean known as the Challenger Deep, which is 7 miles deep. I personally WOULD NOT and I repeat WOULD NOT do that. Imagine all the creatures that you are surrounded by that you don’t even know are there..no thank you.

Back to the whales though! I think I have always had a love for them because of my mother. When I was younger, my mom and brother would always go fishing (I didn’t like going because I never caught anything) and they would always see whales out in the bay. I remember how upset I was because I had never seen one before, although I was always on the lookout. It was not until 2018 when I went whale watching that I finally saw my first whale. We actually had one go right under our boat and I instantly thought it was going to breach and that would be it, but it didn’t thankfully 🙂


Daily Create #tdc3072

Image linked here.

Today’s daily create instruction was to share if you could be any animal what would you be and why? I feel like this is a super cheesy ice breaker question, but I’m here for it. I chose a humpback whale, one of my favorite whales. Since I was born, I have been a full blown ocean lover, I have grown up one mile away from the beach, spent my days in the salty sea and soaking up the sun in the sand. When I was in high school I had to do a research project that grew my love for whales. Since then, I have chosen to do research on whales every chance I get, have been on multiple whale watches and even got a permanent tattoo of a killer whale. I think what I love most about them is that they are so free in the ocean, they are massive but nothing compared to their home. They are adventurous and travel during migration, stay in pods, raise their young and seem so free spirited. So there you have it, if I was any animal, I would be a big blubbery whale swimming in the ocean.
