Daily Create #tdc3084

Back when nutella first came out I thought it was okay, I don’t remember what I ate it with but I know I got sick of it very quickly. It was back in a time that now seems unreal, back when we were still allowed to go to college in person! Down at the pub after class I would get myself a salad and a muffin because I don’t eat breakfast and needed something to hold me until dinner, and I noticed they had a fridge full of fruits and such! One thing that caught my eye was the beautiful snack pack! Strawberries AND pineapples? Two of my favorite fruits? Plus pretzels and grapes but I wasn’t too interested in those along with the nutella… Until I tried it. I quickly found out that the pretzels and nutella were amazing! Yes the nutella was good with the fruit too but I was happy enough saving the dip just for the pretzels! It wasn’t too long after when we came home and I bought myself nutella and pretzels that I now eat as a snack when I’m not feeling good. Honestly nutella goes good with so many things and I cannot believe I actually enjoy it this much.


Daily Create #tdc3084

The Daily Create challenge for Monday, June 22nd was to tweet about what your favorite food would be if all food was in paste form. Thinking about this, a lot of food items came to mind for me, such as peanut butter or chocolate spreads (i.e., Nutella). I wanted to pick something that was widely available in its use, and not to be used for only specific things; this is when I thought of hummus! Being a vegetarian, hummus has to be by far one of my favorites food pastes because of how many flavors and uses it has. You can choose to dip your favorite veggies in a roasted red pepper flavored hummus, spread a everything flavored hummus on your bagel or sandwich, or use a chocolate flavored hummus for dip as a midnight snack. Hummus is very universal in its use and one of the more flavorful choices of food pastes out there currently. It’s one of my favorite foods and I eat it almost daily with snacks or meals. What’s your favorite food in food paste form?


The Forrest Gump Project

Me working alongside some guards at Alcatraz. Original photo credit from bop.gov

As this course reaches it’s end, I become more and more confident in my photo editing skills. Here I have added myself into the infamous Alcatraz Prison. I am in this picture standing with the guards as if I work with them. I chose this because I really like watching crime documentaries. Also Alcatraz is supposed to be haunted which sounds super cool to me. I had no issues doing this project.

#Alcatraz #DS106


DS106 The Forrest Gump Project

Okay.. so.. this may not be an actual moment from history, but it’s a moment from MOVIE history. But, this is not just a movie, it is a SPORTS MASTERPIECE. In Rocky I, final fight, Rocky Balboa takes on Apollo Creed for the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship. Balboa, an amateur at the time, lost the match by split decision, but as Creed stated “I won, but I didn’t beat him” and my favorite line: “There ain’t goin be no rematch”. Which opens up a sequel, duh. As much as I would have liked to photoshop my face onto Rocky, I feel like it would have done him a great disservice for all the work he did for the world, for example; SINGLE-HANDEDLY WINNING THE COLD WAR (circa Rocky IV). ds106assignment

Daily Create #tdc3084

If I could only eat pureed food, like many of the patients I work with; I would eat pears for the rest of my life, maybe even for every meal. Throw a little cinnamon in there and BOOM, party in the mouth. I know for a fact that one of my patients HATES pureed pears, and all desserts for that matter, so.. sometimes I’ll ask them if I can steal their dessert and I’ll eat it behind the nurses station. O’Doyle Rules! ds106dc

Daily Create #tdc3084

What would be your favorite food if all foods were in paste form? Well, the thought of all foods in paste form really grosses me out for some reason. I was talking to my friend about what some of her favorite foods were and then imagined them in paste form and I did not like the thought of it! I turned away from solid foods and started thinking about foods I like that are already in paste form (this may be cheating) I was stuck between hummus and peanut butter, but peanut butter is definitely the winner here! I am that person who can eat peanut butter right from the jar, which is disgusting to some, but it is what it is!

The GIF I used is of “peanut butter baby” and his sister. The parents of the children left them alone for a little bit and came back to the older sister “scrubbing” her brother with peanut butter as she told them.

If you are a peanut butter lover like me, you should try this out it if you have not already!

Buy me Here: Target


Daily Create #tdc3083

This was definitely a weird prompt for a daily create…”yellow birdies and a man in a car driving in the wood”. I had no idea how to approach this nor how to interpret it, but after a little brainstorming I came up with this. At first, I was going to photoshop Big Bird into a picture of a car in the woods that I found, but I decided to look for a video instead. This GIF above is from a 1985 Sesame Street Film: “Follow that Bird”. I honestly didn’t think I would find anything, but I came across this and thought it would be a perfect fit for this assignment.

To create the GIF I used the clip I found on Youtube, pasted the link into GIFrun, and cut down the video to the scene I wanted!


Daily Create #tdc3083

So, today’s assignment was to create a picture of a yellow bird and a man driving in the woods…. I could not find any yellow birds, so I decided to create one (or some) out of a picture of a nest of baby finches at my work! I used a picture editing application on my phone and TADA! Here is a picture of a few “yellow” birds! I also have no images of a man driving in the woods but a picture of me driving by the water seemed like a good replacement!

#tdc3083 #ds106 #birdsandcars


DS106 Week #5 – Remix Guinness Book of World Records

Original world record page (Tallest donkey)
Remixed world record page (Tallest shorebird)

With my background of wildlife photography, I knew I wanted to remix an animal related Guinness world record. I perused the animal section and came across the Tallest Donkey record. I thought about what would be funny to replace the donkey, and I thought of a tiny fluffy bird that I have photographed for the first time this past weekend. Piping Plovers are a small shorebird that are actually endangered in Maine. I had the pleasure of photographing several nesting pairs and their adorable chicks (from afar) this past Saturday and knew I had to replace the donkey with an adorable Piping Plover chick. They are so incredibly small, fluffy, and fragile in reality, so I thought it would be funny to see one larger than a human. I utilized the X-Ray goggles for everything I changed but the photo. I edited my photo in Photoshop and uploaded it to several photo websites. However, when I got down to “coding” and replacing stuff on the original site, I could not get the image replacement to work correctly. I kept getting a small blue question mark square when I replaced it. So, after I remixed the text, I took that screen cap into photoshop and placed my photoshopped image into the page.


Guinness Book Remix

For this DS Assignment, I remixed “The longest time to hold a tree pose (yoga)” into “Longest time for a tree to hold a tree pose (yoga)”. Overall, this was a fun assignment. Through the Codeacadmy work, I understood the code and it was easy to replace the words for what I wanted. I included a picture of the world’s oldest tree for reference because in the original they had the women that held the pose. I thought this would be a funny switch because we associate the tree post with a tree so switching it out makes sense. I changed the information of the record and then I changed the related records to different titles.

The Original Guinness World Record


DS106 World Record


This assignment was actually kind of fun. I feel like my battery ran out of creative juices by the time I got to it though. I found this record by a little girl who found 166 four leaf clovers in one hour (top image). I then remixed it to try and be funny and act like she broke a record of kneeling in one spot for 23 hours (bottom image). I wanted to find a record by a kid, and when came across this one I thought it was so cute and innocent I couldn’t not choose it. I then kept scrolling and found she broke this record on my birthday, June 23, so I HAD to choose it. I don’t really have a funny story to go along with this but if you look at the image she really does look like she’s bored and kneeling in that one spot for per say 23 hours maybe…


Daily Create #tdc3082

I wanted to be creative with this daily create. I went through a few days where all I watched was “Naked and Afraid”, so a few weeks ago, my mom, my boyfriend and I had a discussion. On the show you’re allowed to bring one item with you for the 21 days of being naked and afraid. When I saw this daily create I thought of it in a similar way, I get to bring one item to help me survive on the moon. My answer was the same for naked and afraid as it was the moon. Everything but the Bagel Seasoning. I absolutely love this stuff. Being vegetarian, good seasonings are key, I put this on just about everything. I figured since I am a picky eater and this stuff tastes great on vegetables, I could probably survive off of this and some leaves. I figured the moon doesn’t have many options for food so why wouldn’t I bring along my seasoning to make things better?


DS106 Assignment: We’re The Real Brady Bunch!

“Most everyone has seen the infamous picture of The Brady Bunch where everyone in the family is showcased in their own personal box. Now it’s your turn!! Whether your actual family or your close group of friends, make a collage mimicking the picture shown below. Be creative with the title. Make the title alliteration either with your last name or somesort of name you wish to call your group. In your post, explain why you chose the people you did in your collage.”

“Molu’s Menage” a.k.a. “Molu’s Household”

This was quite the challenge (although it shouldn’t have been). Unfortunately, my laptop has decided to stop charging, so most of my photos were unavailable to me (hence the older, out of date photos). I used what I could find on my phone and on Instagram.

I created the collage on PicMonkey and realized you can only export the photos with a membership, so I had to screen shot it. The screenshot app I use on my computer is automatically set to open the photos in Google Chrome, which for some reason no longer works on this computer (still can’t figure out why). So I hit “Print Screen,” pasted the photo into a Word document, cropped it, and copied the image from there to paste in this blog post. Quite the work-around!

The last challenge was in picking the name of my gang, as there are no synonyms with the word “group” that start with an M or a D (for Daley). I went with “menage” which is French for “household,” I believe. Or housework? Oh well, I tried!

The people (and animals) featured (clockwise starting from the upper left):

  • My older brother, Joel
  • Me (in my license photo)
  • My boyfriend, Zach
  • My cat, Andy
  • My part-time dog, Nico (she is my boyfriend’s childhood dog; she lived with us when we had a bigger place but now we are in a small apartment, so she lives with Zach’s dad)
  • My nanny (and last living grandparent), Marjorie
  • My dad, Michael (you may recognize him as Professor Daley if you’ve taken micro)
  • My mom, Kimberly

I chose this group because they represent my closest family!


Daily Create #tdc3082

“What will you take to the moon?”

If I were going to the moon I’d take as many of these spiky things as they’d let me take. My brother and I used to have so much fun throwing these at each other in the living room I can’t imagine they wouldn’t be twice as fun in zero-gravity.

They’re perfect for bringing in a spacecraft because they’re really squishy and basically can’t break anything. You can throw them with little risk of harming important space equipment. Plus they’d look hilarious floating around.


DS106- Remix Guinness Book of World Records

Who doesn’t love dogs?! I definitely do! Today’s assignment had me a bit worried at first. I was not sure what it meant or how to complete it…When I just gave the X-Ray goggles a chance I was able to figure it out very quickly using my knowledge I learned from Codecademy! I very much enjoyed making a little remix of this world record which was originally “Otto: Longest human tunnel travelled through by skateboarding dog.” All I needed to do was add my own spin to it! I liked the idea that there is other skateboarding dogs out there and that Otto is the fastest out of all them! I also chose this record because I used to work at Otto, a pizza shop in Portland, Maine. I love when I see the name being used elsewhere! Anyway, lots of fun creating this goofy record!

#dogs #ds106


Daily Create #tdc3081

My style today was a pair of striped pants that I bought from Target! I bought them this morning and wore them to work this afternoon. I love a pair of good jeans! This assignment was confusing at first because it was so vague. I was not sure where to go with it so I looked at what other people had done and got the idea to post my new pants! And yes my room is messy and I left my pajama shorts on the ground behind me… Enjoy!

#Pants #tdc3081 #ds106


Remix Guinness Book of World Records

So this was a bit hard to do, the X-Ray Goggles weren’t working for me, aka I couldn’t figure out what to do there so I decided to dive onto the internet and see how to edit a page temporarily. It took a bit of searching but I found this page which gave helpful step-by-step instructions! Just right clicking and clicking on Inspect brings up an Elements page where if you double click on anything there you can edit until you refresh the page!

With the record that I chose I didn’t edit too much of the page. I honestly found it funny that the first picture they chose made it look exactly like the tree was almost the exact same size as the large building. I understand that the perspective isn’t the best to make it work, but I couldn’t pass up on it, it seemed too funny to me! Anyways everyone, welcome to the tallest palm tree of the world, almost as tall as the tallest building!


DS106 Remix Guinness Book of World Records

This was actually a super fun assignment.. I simply changed the HTML on the Guinness Book of Wold Records Website. I used to do this to my buddies Facebook pages when I was like 12. Good Memories. ds106assignment

Brady Bunch Collage

I figured the best way to do this assignment was by using my actual family bunch! This includes my mother, older brother, stepfather, grandmother, aunt, step-aunt, and my dog. The family members I decided to add are the ones that I can confidently say I see the most. We almost all have different last names. Ettore belongs to my mom and her side of the family, Barrow is my stepfather and his family’s last name, and Turner is my brother and I’s last name from our father. So I thought it would be fun to add all our names in the title, more like a modern family Brady Bunch.

My family and I are not very close with my father’s family so I pretty much just stuck with my moms and stepdads family. I used canva for this assignment and it was really fun to make! Going through all the photos of my family to find ones to use definitely put a smile on my face. Especially since there are a few family members on here that I haven’t been able to see lately because of COVID. So this was a nice way to keep us all close!
