Daily Create #tdc3078

For today’s daily create assignment, it was, what’s your favorite part of the day? Now this seems like a pretty simple question, but I actually put a deep amount of thought into it. I feel like it completely changes with the seasons. In the winter, I love chilly mornings with fresh snow, but in the summer I love nights at a camp fire. So, since it’s summer I responded with “specifically 7-9pm”. I am such a campfire girl, I would love to have one every single night of the summer, just something about it is so relaxing for me. I chose to share this picture of me when I was obviously much younger, because I was wearing a cute little sweater and sitting by a fire one summer. I grew up camping though so maybe that sparked my love for fires… no pun intended. I just find this picture so funny, it’s ironic because I’ve even vegetarian now for about 10 years, but my parents tell me that when I was a kid, my favorite meal was shish ka bobs. I laugh and say this is the only image you’ll see of me eating meat. Well excuse me while I go flood my favorite time of the day with homework.


Daily Create #tdc3078

I can’t sleep at night, all my doctors say it’s from my anxiety but I’m not too sure about that. Even if my heart rate is slow and I feel at peace and know that I am very tired due to the four hours of sleep the night before- I still can’t find myself able to go to sleep!

However, I do love the night. If I can’t sleep, why not be creative? I draw my best works at night, I come up with my favorite character designs at night. Right now I’m surviving because of Animal Crossing New Horizons, and at night I come up with the best ideas on how to design my town! The sunset is just a beautiful way to lead into the darkness, and I honestly appreciate it. Heck, I’m usually up to see the sunrise too, but for now I think my focus is more on the sunset.


Daily Create – #tdc3078

I’m a little behind on Daily Create(s) so I thought I would use the recent prompts to get a hold of that. Today’s daily create was a silly one as it asks the creators to tweet about their favorite time of day. Giving the example of “night time is the best time.” To me this is such an arbitrary idea but also posed some interest at the same time. I feel we get desensitized to the times of the day as we experience them so often. Yet some people do go out of their way to try and value these times such as the day, or night.

For my Tweet I chose to pick the time of dusk as I really enjoy all the crazy colors that occur. My family and I live up on a hill so we always get an awesome look of the sunset. My mom and I have managed to capture tons of amazing images from the sunsets we’ve seen. The idea of the sunset can be kinda symbolic as it points toward the end of the day/ the end of a cycle. We’ll eventually return to the sunset only for it to move on once again. It’s interesting how we may capture the sunset now but we’ll never be able to capture the same sunset ever again.


ds106 – GIF into a FIG

Video by; Cade Cabral + Dane Cabral

For the “GIF into FIG” assignment, I first wanted to use some visual from a TV show or movie. My plan was to use a clip from one of my favorite shows, “Battlebots.” There are a few machines in the show that are really good at launching their opposing bots. I thought capturing one of these flips, and reversing it, would offer a neat submission for the assignment. But after trying a few videos I found that the camera jumped around a lot, making it difficult to tell where the beginning & end of the GIF were. After tweaking with the idea I eventually scraped it as it posed too difficult and moved on to Plan B.

I instead relied on my second idea that I had created earlier in the day. Instead, I thought it would be cool to capture the stream of water from a hose, but in reverse. Therefore making it look like I’m removing the moisture from the land or something. As well as capturing the clear motion that’s needed for the assignment. I thought this would prove to be more creative as well as utilize videos from home. I had my youngest brother Dane hold the camera while I operated the hose. Team Effort!

The process to create this reverse GIF was a little hectic. I first ran my video through GIFRUN, after first uploading it on Youtube. Then I tried to place my GIF through the website “Freegifmaker” which had tools to reverse user made GIFs. Once I did this I found that the file size was too large to submit onto WordPress which provided another hurdle. I thought to instead submit my gif through IMGflip, to have more liberty with the resolution of the GIF as well as manipulate the overall size of the image. By doing this I cut the file size in half and made it functional for WordPress. What you see above is the final result. Hope you Enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc3078

The Daily Create challenge for June 16th, 2020, was to upload a picture of your favorite part of the day. My favorite time of the day is sunset, closing the day with a beautiful display of the sun’s last rays touching the Earth, casting it’s shadow far and wide until it slowly recedes into the darkness. Sunset has always been a time of day I find peace and mindfulness in, especially at the ocean. For example, when I was going to school at UNE, I would take many trips – as I’m sure many did – to Fortune’s Rocks Beach; this beach is one I love and went to quite often, sitting on the rocky-wall shoreline and watching the waves crash to and fro on the shore. When the sun sets along the horizon of the ocean, it’s one of the most beautiful things from nature I’ve ever seen. The way the sun reflects and glistens on the surface of the water, replacing it’s full spherical shape by slipping what seems like beneath the waves and into the ocean’s abyss. The colors at sunset are also a breathtaking sight to see, from the pinks and purples twirling around that make the clouds look cotton candy-like, to the oranges and yellows of the sun’s rays mixing with the blue sky, all the vanish within a few minutes. Sunset is my favorite time of day, what’s yours?


Daily Create #tdc3077

This is Boomer, our loyal boxer whose personality is like an old man. He’d probably say something like, “I love my family (even when they dress me up in weird costumes) because they love and care for me and saved me from a family who treated me poorly” #tdc3077 pic.twitter.com/VJSxCcMYly— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) June 15, 2020

Since my mom and I are both photographers, our pets are all common subjects in our photos when we are not photographing wildlife. Boxers are known for their expressive and emotive faces, and this is one of my favorite photos I have taken of Boomer. He is a very loyal and well behaved pup and puts up with whatever outfits or costumes he might be dressed up in for photos. I was doing an emulate a photographer assignment for a photography class at CCV, my previous college before UNE, and I was emulating William Wegmen who photographs his Weimaraner dogs in different poses and outfits. I just love his face in this photo. He put up with the many costume changes but this one is towards the end and it just looks like he is totally over it and done with being the subject of my photos. If Boomer could talk, I think his attitude and voice would be similar to the main character Carl from Up. Carl is a cranky old man but has a really loyal and soft side and this is very similar to how I think Boomer would be if he was a human or if he could talk at least. If he could speak, I think he would say that he loves his family as he is very attached to us and doesn’t trust strangers, only the close members of his family that he knows well. He was mistreated in his previous home so he is happy to be with us where he is loved and very well cared for.


Daily Create #tdc3077

For this Daily Create I got to do another fun prompt that interlinked the use of animals. And what better animal to focus on than my favorite dog Winter. This photo is from last year when Winter was hanging out with my brothers and I. At this time, Winter was almost three-four years old and hasn’t reached the full growth that he’s achieved now. Winter is the second Bernese Mountain dog my family has owned as we previously had a female named “Della May Sunshine.”

The other day my neighbor talked to me about a Bernese Mountain Dog/ Poodle Mix he recently encountered. These dogs are super cute and they keep the poodle genetics of reaching much older ages than other dogs. We discussed how bigger dogs don’t have long to live as there’s a lot of stress being placed on their internal organs. This was definitely a scary discussion as I myself have a larger dog who I care for very much. But it makes me think that I don’t want take Winter for granted. I want to spend all the time that I can with my dog and make his life something special. I know one day he won’t be around anymore, but even if that’s the case, I know he’ll always be with me.


Turn a Gif into a Fig

Made with GIPHY

This Daily Create prompt was to turn a gif into a fig or to reverse a gif. The other task was to make it interesting looking. My sister is ALWAYS dancing. I don’t think there is a moment in her life that she has stopped moving or dancing. The music in her head just play and she dances to it in the house, in stores, at her softball games, dance classes, everywhere and always. Due to all of her movement, there is always time to capture a video of it. This video I captured around Christmas of her sliding down the hall and doing a split to a song. When first thinking of this assignment, I knew this was the video I was going to do because it looks really cool reversed. Its like magic, standing from a split and sliding backward almost effortlessly. To make this video, I reversed it first, and then I uploaded it to GIPHY to make it loop. GIPHY is easy to use and so far has worked really well for me.


Daily Create #TDC3077

On 6/15/2020, the daily create prompt was to introduce your pet and say what you think they would say. I choose to use my pup for this tweet because she is the most active and I feel would have the most to say. She would talk about five top things car rides, treats, our two cats, her humans, and playing. Those are her most favorite things in the world. She always jumps at the chance to go into the car to the point that we have to spell car ride. She will do many tricks for treats and even gets some for just being a plain old good doggo.

We adopted her over a year ago from a shelter that had to happen to take her and her siblings in from a farm in Virginia. She came to my family about a year after our just over 13-year-old doggo passed away. Some of my family wanted a new pup, while others didn’t but we are all happy and love our new companion. She has come a long way both behaviorally and miles traveled overall. She used to be terrified of doors, strangers, and men. She now loved running through doors because it means new things on the other side, she loves the men she knows, and she is protective of her humans against strangers but strangers can soon become part of her human pack with time. She is such a good pup and I loved being able to give light to what I think would say if she could tweet through this daily create.


Daily Create – #tdc3077 (Bring Your Pet to Work)

Today’s DC was too easy, really. It wasn’t fair. So I took the opportunity to show off our new dog, Ceres. My kids have had dogs (and cats) their whole lives. My wife and I have had cats and dogs for nearly our entire relationship – almost 30 years now. But we lost our last dog to old age about 5 years ago, adopted two older, special needs cats (on top of the one we already had), and have been ambivalent about bringing a canine into the mix.

With the quarantine and two college students at home with a high schooler, momentum built toward growing the family again. You might be surprised to learn that it’s just hard to find a shelter dog to adopt in the era of COVID. We tried for maybe two months, and we’re not especially picky. (Must not eat cats. That’s about it.) It’s a good thing that animals are getting adopted! But the quarantine has also mostly shut down the road from kill shelters in the south up to no-kill shelters in the north. In economic-speak, the supply chain has been broken.

Late this afternoon, we drove out to pick up Ceres, a canine that appears to be some sort of Chow/Rottweiler mix. He’s big, burly, friendly, quiet, inquisitive, and goofy.

The DC was easy. My son texted me a photo he took. I pulled it down to my photo album and loaded it into Twitter. I feel like I should have animated it in some fun way. Alas, that wasn’t part of the challenge.

Got a pet and want to get on an easy DC to start the week? Do this one before it’s gone!

Daily Create #tdc3073

I honestly got into painting because of Bob. I saw his art and thought to myself “I could never do something beautiful like that!” and got the courage up and actually tried! And it really wasn’t bad! I was so proud I debated on giving it to my grandparents but instead it went up in the college dorm and is now in the college stuff in storage. However, he really was the reason I painted for my art final that was meant to go into a gallery, and one of the comments I got back on my final was to stray away from Bob’s works. I don’t quite understand why artists dislike him. I don’t even want to research why. I just want to live with my happy little trees and enjoy painting. He really has helped me improve. I don’t think I would be where I am right now in my art if it weren’t for him and helping me and I’m sure others accept their mistakes and see it as a good thing instead of something bad.


Daily Create #tdc3071

For my morse code daily create I decided to write my name using morse code. I used to think that. this ‘language’ was so interesting. I can remember going to the county fair and there was a booth where you could learn morse code. This assignment reminded me of an episode of The Office – my favorite show of all time. There is a scene where Jim and Pam prank Dwight and talk in morse code.  I will link it here. 


Thank You, Thank You Very Much


For my fake celebrity social media, I decided to do the king of rock and roll himself – Elvis Presley. I feel if any big star were to have social media during this time it would be him. For my tweet, I chose to use his most famous quote. I also chose to have him address Indianapolis. This is because it was the last concert he performed before his death. The date of this tweet is also the date of the concert. As for the fake profile I included his real birthday, place of birth, and daughter’s name. The “friends” are people he associated with during his lifetime and the posts are references to his songs and his favorite snack!


Daily Create #tdc3077

The Daily Create challenge for June 15th, 2020, was to introduce your pet in a tweet and tweet something they would say if they could talk. Many of you have probably been introduced to my pet from my other posts and pages, but this is my pet male albino rat, Casper! He is almost one year old, he will be on June 22nd, 2020. Casper is very expressive and playful rat, always wanting to socialize and be loved by myself or anyone who will interact with him. When thinking about what Casper would say, I felt the caption above in my Tweet really captures who Casper is: “Hi! My name is Casper! My favorite things to do are running around in my ball, eating all the treats I can (especially banana chips), and snuggling/annoying my mom!”

Casper loves running around his ball; when I work out in the morning, as I’m getting ready, he’ll start jumping around his cage and getting excited because he knows it’s his ball time. He is also trained to get a treat after he’s been out and plays with people, with his favorites being banana chips, flavored fruit yogies (like little chocolate chips, but flavored with fruit and yogurt), and orange-cranberry cookies. Casper is quite playful and loves to be snuggled, especially when I have him out on my bed while watching TV or doing homework; he’ll crawl up right beside me and snuggle right up, wanting to be pet and loved. He can also be quite the sneak, sometimes trying to climb on things he shouldn’t or hide behind things. Casper is a pet I am lucky to have as I’ve never owned a rat who’s been so expressive and loving in his personality, especially towards people. Casper is definitely my pride and joy, and is a pet I will always love and cherish because of the strong bond I have with him.

Daily Create #tdc3077

Sandy is a Miniature Schnauzer and enjoys barking, eating, sleeping, and pooping. He is a friendly dog and loves to be snuggled and eat chicken nuggets. He weights 7.4 lbs soaking wet. His hair grows really quickly and it needs to be trimmed weekly or his poop will stick to his bum. Other than this, Sandy is an easy going dog/puppy. He enjoys babies and children and will lick them from head to toe in order to show his affection. He is a good little doggo. ds106dc

DS106 Web Assignment “What They Might Have Done in Social Media”

I thought it would be interesting to make a profile for Gautama Buddha. Although I am not Buddhist, I have always been interested in this type of practice. I would consider myself a spiritual person and I would find it fascinating if he had social media. I imagine he would tweet and post quotes about the meanings of life. The Buddha is always on the path to enlightenment and encourages his followers to live a life of fulfillment.

*For some reason, my computer wouldn’t allow me to save this the way I wanted to so I had to screenshot this. The program giving me a virus so I had to improvise!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


Daily Create #tdc3076

Earlier in the semester; I had a professor, for thirty minutes, accidentally point the camera at his crotch during a zoom meeting. In the private chat, everyone laughed, but nobody said anything to the guy. This reminds me of a quote from my favorite author Christopher Hitchens: “Once I realized my god-given male member would give me no peace, I gave it no rest in return.”. Classic. ds106dc