Daily Create #TDC3413 – Make a Planet

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. 10 minutes to run though a few planets until I found one I liked and tweet it out! Right off, this planet had me thinking of Waterworld, the “epic” – maybe epic fail – post-apocalyptic film starring Kevin Costner, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Dennis Hopper, and others. I liked the film, but it was hugely expensive and film critics mostly hated it.

It’s always interesting when the Daily Create invites exploration of some digital image/text generator as the creative activity. I enjoy these because they showcase the playfulness that abounds across the Internet. And we learn something.

Who is Zarkonnen from Zurich and why did they develop a planet generator tool? It’s neat to dig deeper, which in this case leads me to the “Captain to the Bridge,” a game featuring a hungover Star Trek Captain (https://zarkonnen.itch.io/captain-to-the-bridge). Zarkonnen is one of those people putting fun things online – so people can have fun.

This Daily Create captures the SPIRIT of DS 106 in so many ways – explore a tool, find a way to make it your own, tell the story.

Seeking to hit the WRT 304 ground totally running on May 17? Follow my lead and take on the #TDC3413 challenge yourself. Don’t forget: Tweet it out to the key places with the key hashtags; make a “page” in your ePortfolio that embeds the tweet AND that frames your creative decision process. Don’t lose track of the guidelines!

Want to get your WRT 304 legs under you before trying a Daily Create? No problem. We have days before the first daily must be done..


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