DS106 – Selfie with a Pet

If “What’s the Meme” encourages us to tell a fun story by starting to put image and text together, remixing a frame from a show, and revealing a little about our personality, Selfie with a Pet is a super easy approach to sharing a slice of life. Here’s mine!

On the morning walk with Ceres.

Ceres and me on our early Saturday morning walk in the woods, our weekend morning ritual. It’s one of the few opportunities I have to let him roam off leash.

Like many families, ours adopted a shelter dog during the pandemic. My wife and I have had dogs since the mid-90s, but our last dog died of old age about three years ago, leaving us with three kids and three cats. Then a cat died – old age. Then two children left for college. Then the pandemic hit, with everyone locked down at home – including the college kids. We picked up Ceres sometime last summer, maybe in July.

He’s 85 pounds of goofy mixed breed with the deepest bark imaginable. And I think the selfie captures him pretty well.


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