Turn a GIF into a FIG

This is a video I took a few days ago of my hamster. My boyfriend and I wanted him to be able to run around without getting lost. I figured he was a little too chubby to fit through the holes in the laundry basket, and obviously he wouldn’t be in there without supervision, so I put him in there and he immediately booked it to the openings. I’m not sure why I decided to record him in the basket but I’m sure glad I did. Every time I watch it I laugh because his little legs sprawl out as he tries to escape. I thought this would be a funny video to share and it’s fun to watch him walk backwards too because he doesn’t do that in real time.

I had some issues creating this FIG as I had to make a GIF first on GIPHY and then download the GIF, then I used another site to reverse the GIF because GIPHY doesn’t have the reverse feature that I could find. The site I used is called EZGIF.com. I used that site to reverse the GIF and then I had to convert that into a video and then download that to my laptop. It was a process but we got there!

