Daily Create #TDC3444 – Mind Map

I made my mind map using the website MindUp2. When I was doing my first draft, I had many photos on there to make it more interesting, but it wouldn’t let me download it if there were files. If I wanted to do that, I would’ve had to pay, and I honestly didn’t want to do that. I started out thinking about what do I usually think of the most during the day. The result was books, family, friends, and, school. For the books section, I wanted to focus on my favorite genre which led me to fantasy and then to dragons which is no surprise at this point. Then thinking more about what type of books I read I thought of manga which then led to anime which finally resulted in my favorite manga and anime being added. I tried to go with what my first thoughts on everything were. This was a lot of fun to make and made me think about my thinking process.

