Remix Guinness Book of World Records

I had a hard time at first when trying to figure out what record to do so when I couldn’t find one that I wanted I decided to make one of my own. I knew I wanted to incorporate the animals in my life into this record. So I decided to use Ally and Lulu. When I saw this photo I thought of “The Best Pals” record. When they first met Lulu was unsure of Ally and they didn’t really do anything with each other. Granted Ally kept trying and I guess she broke down Lulu’s walls because they became inseparable after.

Thanks to Coding Academy I wasn’t confused about what I saw when editing the website. I did have some trouble with including the photo but eventually, I realize what I was doing wrong. I just forgot to add an element of the coding. To be able to add the photo I uploaded it to flicker.

