DS106 Assignment: Interview Yourself REMIX!

It’s crazy to think we’re already at the end of this course! It was really great to reminisce about all the things I’ve created over the past six weeks, and I had a tough time picking favorites. I decided to showcase Photo It Like Peanut Butter, Color Walk Time Lines, What They Might Have Done In Social Media, Turn A GIF Into A FIG, and We’re The Real Life Brady Bunch. I wanted to show the progress I’ve made throughout the course while also showing a wide variety of assignments. For each assignment, I asked myself about my favorite part, the most challenging aspect, and what I would do differently if I revisited it in the future.

To make my video, I used a program called OpenShot Video Editor. I’ve tried a bunch of video editing software in my time, but I think this is the best one I’ve found so far. Not only is the entire program completely free, there’s actually a lot of options for creating and it’s super easy to work with. I decided to keep my video pretty simple by recording short video clips on my phone of myself answering my three questions for each assignment. I also recorded myself giving a closing of sorts and a brief introduction to each assignment so there wouldn’t be any confusion when I moved from one assignment to the next. Then, I imported all of the clips, along with the assignments I wanted to talk about, into the editor so I could put it all together. I added titles to further break up each section, and I used GIMP to create an image of the questions I was asking with a transparent background. I did spend several hours on this assignment, but I’m glad I did because it looks really professional and polished to me.
