DS106-Interview Yourself

I think this assignment was a great way to end the class! I got to show off my favorite work and interview myself. My three questions were; Were the ds106assingments difficult, am I proud of my work, and what was my favorite of all the assignments?

I used PowerPoint to show of my work. I tried using the voice recorder feature but to no avail so I decided to retry but this time on zoom. The first time I did it I shared my screen with myself and went through my slides. I rewatched it and found that my GIFs didn’t show up. So I ended up having to record the video again and then close out of my powerpoint and open the GIFY page. So when you get to my Home Video slide, it’s going to look like the video froze but it’s just be trying to figure out how to show the gifs.

This was a fun class and challenged me to create new things that I never thought possible! I’m proud of the work I made and am excited to see what else I can do in the future!

