Daily Create #TDC3451 – Combine Album Covers

For today’s Daily Create it was to combine two album covers and to make them connect in some way. I feel like I could’ve gone more creative regarding how they connect in the photo but they really connect when it comes to the influence they had on me. I used the website BeFunky once again.

I first started to listen to Green Day when I was in middle school. They were introduced to me by my mom and some of the friends I had at the time. The song from the album that really connected deeply to me was 21 Guns. I honestly don’t really know the exact reason why it connects to me so deeply but every time I listen to it I just fall into a deep trance and just listen. I do that rarely with songs. During middle school, I played basketball and every time before a game I would listen to this song as my own little pregame tradition. I was also able to see them in concert I believe senior year of high school or maybe even earlier.

The same friends that introduced me to Green Day had introduced me to BTS. This was around my junior year of high school. BTS is a Korean band that has really been a hit in the US as well. They have honestly been the biggest musical influence I’ve ever experienced. I really have a hard time remembering band member’s names and really look into the band. I honestly went deep into the web when I first started listening. All of their music makes me go into a deep trance which I mentioned before is really rare for me. I love the meaning all their songs have and they write all of their own songs. They teach themselves the different languages of their fans so they’ll be able to communicate with them. So far they have learned some English and Japanese. Fun fact one of their members became fluent in English by watching the show “Friends”.


The Forrest Gump Project

The original photo is from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvA0J_2ZpIQ

I used the website BeFunky to make this possible. I wanted to mix it up a little by adding my mom and sister to the image instead of myself. The photo I used is one that I took of my mom and sister when they were comparing their heights. I wasn’t exactly sure what historical event I wanted to add them to but my first thoughts were Abraham Lincoln. So I typed that into Google and decided to look at images and see which one “called” to me. An image of Abraham Lincoln doing Gettysburg’s Address is what I decided to do. I always liked hearing about Lincoln’s history and I guess that is the little history geek I have inside me.


Daily Create #TDC3450 – Make Some Random Art

As mentioned in the tweet the random word generator that was provided gave me the word “spot”. Since I’m at work I thought that getting a picture of an animal with spots would be easy because I usually see one every shift. But today the spotted animals decided not to come in. So I talked to my coworker and she told me about these french bulldog puppies she saw the other day who were 8 weeks old. She showed me the picture she took and I immediately knew that this was the picture that I wanted to showcase for my word. I am also hoping that these little guys help brighten everyone’s day.


Daily Create #TDC3449 Your Dream Life

I forgot to include it in the tweet but this is the link to the photo.

I am an animal behavior major on a pre-vet track so I thought it would be appropriate for this Daily Create to include something with that. I obviously want to go and pass vet school. I’m not sure what type of vet I want to be yet but I’m thinking between a wildlife vet or a regular dog and cat one. My decision really needs to happen now because that will help me pick the vet schools that are the best in my interests. While looking for a photo to include I saw this one and knew immediately that it was the one. As mentioned in the tweet this is one of the dogs I want to have in the future. I also mention wanting to have a bear dog. Their official name is Karelian Bear Dog. They are massive and beautiful. I will include a photo.



Remix Guinness Book of World Records

I had a hard time at first when trying to figure out what record to do so when I couldn’t find one that I wanted I decided to make one of my own. I knew I wanted to incorporate the animals in my life into this record. So I decided to use Ally and Lulu. When I saw this photo I thought of “The Best Pals” record. When they first met Lulu was unsure of Ally and they didn’t really do anything with each other. Granted Ally kept trying and I guess she broke down Lulu’s walls because they became inseparable after.

Thanks to Coding Academy I wasn’t confused about what I saw when editing the website. I did have some trouble with including the photo but eventually, I realize what I was doing wrong. I just forgot to add an element of the coding. To be able to add the photo I uploaded it to flicker.


Daily Create #TDC3445 – Where The Raindrop Goes

We were told to use the website River Runner to be able to do this daily create and we had to write in the perspective of the raindrop. I didn’t know where to pick in the United States so I kinda went random and ended up being Rhode Island. I wanted to capture how water is always being “reused”. Water is always going into the clouds and coming back down. In Frozen 2 Olaf mentions how water has history and I also wanted that to play a role.


Daily Create #TDC3444 – Mind Map

I made my mind map using the website MindUp2. When I was doing my first draft, I had many photos on there to make it more interesting, but it wouldn’t let me download it if there were files. If I wanted to do that, I would’ve had to pay, and I honestly didn’t want to do that. I started out thinking about what do I usually think of the most during the day. The result was books, family, friends, and, school. For the books section, I wanted to focus on my favorite genre which led me to fantasy and then to dragons which is no surprise at this point. Then thinking more about what type of books I read I thought of manga which then led to anime which finally resulted in my favorite manga and anime being added. I tried to go with what my first thoughts on everything were. This was a lot of fun to make and made me think about my thinking process.


We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

I used the website befunky to make these collage along with photos that I took. I named this collage “The Vetco Gang” because that is the company I work for and where these photos were taken. The two puppies and kitten belong to clients that I saw while working. All three of them were there for their first round of shots and sadly I don’t remember their names. But I do remember that the kitten had two extra thumbs on her front paws. The other animals are little guys waiting to find their forever homes. They are all from different stores around Rhode Island.

I decided to do these guys because I wanted it to be outside the box. Then remembered that I had these pictures. Then the lightbulb went off in my head and then bang there’s my Brady Bunch.


Daily Create #TDC3442 – Some ‘Bots Push Poems

I used to write poems for fun in high school but I haven’t written one in so long that I really had to push my mind’s boundaries. I think that this poem isn’t one of my greatest but still a little proud of it. When I first saw these words I thought of making a poem about a rose but then when I tried to write it didn’t make any sense. Then I thought about how souls are delicate and how we have wars within ourselves. That’s what gave me the idea for that poem and then it just came a little naturally.


Daily Create #TDC3442 – Some ‘Bots Push Poems

I used to write poems for fun in high school but I haven’t written one in so long that I really had to push my mind’s boundaries. I think that this poem isn’t one of my greatest but still a little proud of it. When I first saw these words I thought of making a poem about a rose but then when I tried to write it didn’t make any sense. Then I thought about how souls are delicate and how we have wars within ourselves. That’s what gave me the idea for that poem and then it just came a little naturally.
