Turn a GIF into a FIG

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This is a video from maybe around 2016. I was trying to find a video that would be funny to be backwards. Then I found this video of Lulu hopping in the snow. As you can see I’m wearing very fluffy Eeyore pajama pants and Lulu has got her winter fur on. Every time it snowed we would go out and we would both hop in the snow. She hated going to the bathroom in it so my dad and I would always have to shovel parts of the backyard so she could and would go. She was a very picky dog and an alpha female. I used the website EZGIF.com which I found on Andrew’s post of this assignment.


Daily Create #TDC3439 – Where are you?

I had some downtime at work when I decided that I wanted to take a look to see what today’s daily create was. I thought to myself that I have to try and do this one. When looking at what others had done it gave me the idea to do “Where is Lindsay?”. It feels a little cheesy but also it was fun to do. So I knew I wanted it to be a really crowded picture and then make the picture of myself be as tiny as I could make it. I used the website PicsArt which I discovered on someone else’s version of this. So I took a photo of myself at work via my laptop then make it as small as I possibly could and then randomly put it somewhere. I had a little game of Where is Lindsay? myself.


What They Might Have Done in Social Media

I chose to do Aristotle because I will admit that I was a philosophy geek in high school and I still am. I read a book about his life and accomplishments. He is considered to be one of the first scientists. He would do the scientific methods but an early stage of it. Fall semester of 2020 I took human traditions 1 and we had to read about some of his works and what he did. That is where I got his tweet from. I learned about how the different elements played a role in different societies. He thought about aether being the fifth element and the heavens refer to the stars. I believe this refers to his metaphysics. His works played a role in many current sciences such as physic, metaphysics, logic, philosophy, etc. These works and ideas are some of what got me interested in philosophy. If you guys ever have time I would recommend looking into some of his thoughts.


Home Video GIF

This is my dog Lulu who passed away this year. She was 11 years old and was a Pomeranian mix but mixed with what I do not know. We just knew she had to be a mix because she is a lot bigger than what a regular Pomeranian is. This video shows how silly and adorable she was. Lulu loved to be underneath my covers to either sleep or just do what she’s doing in that video. I called her my crazy old woman.

When I was looking for a video to fit for this assignment I wasn’t sure what exactly I wanted to post. I saw old videos of my sisters and a lot of Lulu. So when this video appeared I knew it was the one plus it allows me to talk about her. It shows the side of her that will always be cherished by my heart.


Comic Book Effect REMIX!

I had a hard time with this assignment due to trying to find an application to help me make the comic book effect and trying to make something funny. I looked at what other classmates have used for their photos and found LunaPic on Kimberly Towne‘s post. Which I am very thankful for because it is the one application that worked for me.

This is a photo of my late dog Lulu. The sun was hitting her just right to make her look like the little angel that she was. How can you resist that cute little face of hers? Anyway I was having a hard time trying to think about what to put down for the words. I wanted to do something that was funny but also really captured the photo that I took. So I thought about the way she is looking and thought of the caption “you will LOVE ME”. It is a little cheesy but I would like to think that it captures the essence of this photo. I chose the font called Chubb to try to make it look more like a comic book.


Daily Create #TDC3435 – Useless Superpower

When I saw today’s Daily Create I knew I just had to do it. I was really excited to do this but when I had to think about a useless superpower I had a hard time with it. If you really think about all superpowers have their usefulness. For example the superpower I said I can easily scare people once a year. Just thinking about what their faces would like has me laughing typing this. Anyhow my main point is that you can find a use for any superpower.


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Daily Create #TDC3432 – Are you a collector?

I decided to do this Daily Create because I know I am a “collector” of many many things. I would have done my books but most of them are still packed away so I can’t really show how obsessed I am. But then I looked at my bed and had a lightbulb. The previous day my boyfriend won the argument in saying that I am obsessed with stuffies. I honestly got no shame about it they are all adorable. I like to think that everyone still has a little kid in them that is expressed in different ways and this is my way.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Color Walk Time Lines

I was having a hard time trying to figure out what color I wanted to take pictures of. I decided to do my favorite color of yellow. My immediate thought of where the color yellow would be outside was the sun. When we were all younger I’m sure we all drew the sun with a yellow crayon, marker, or pencil. I asked my family to take this walk with me and help point out where they saw the color yellow. It was like playing the I Spy game. I had a lot of fun with this assignment.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

DS106 Animated GIF: Say it Like the Peanut Butter

Here is the link https://media.giphy.com/media/Vy4mPiMGRi8Uum96Us/giphy.gif

I was having such a hard time trying to get the websites to work and edit the video as well. The video is originally 1 minute long so I had to find the actions that I wanted to capture.

So here’s a little background. I work for Vetco which is a mobile vaccine clinic and is an extension of Petco. So I travel around to different Petco stores during the week. Sometimes there are customers that cancel their appointment so there’s free time. When that free time happens I usually take it as a chance to look at the animals around the store. My coworker is fascinated with birds so the two of us and the vet for that day went over to the bird section. As you can guess we saw this little cutie. I cannot remember what type of bird he was but what I do remember is that he is $700. I was so close to getting him until I heard the price. I got a little down but then a 12-week old puppy came in so I got to cuddle with that little guy made my day better.


Daily Create #TDC3429 – Think of a Word

When I first saw this prompt I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it or not. But then I realized that it could be fun so I went on Google and typed ABC. Then this image showed up and I was like you know what I know what word I’m gonna do. I asked my sisters for help when making the “riddle”. I was hoping on making it not too obvious. The answer is zebra! Which is one of my favorite animals to go see at the zoo. I would stare at them for as long as my parents allowed me to. Zebras helped me learn how to love animals even more.
