DS106 The Big Caption

For the DS106 “The Big Caption” project, we had to use any photo that has been featured on The Big Picture (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/) and add a typographical text elements in a way that changes the message.  While scrolling through the website, I saw many options.  However, the photo of the woman holding on to a lightpost … [Read more…]

For the DS106 “The Big Caption” project, we had to use any photo that has been featured on The Big Picture (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/) and add a typographical text elements in a way that changes the message.  While scrolling through the website, I saw many options.  However, the photo of the woman holding on to a lightpost in the middle of a storm.  When I looked at the photo, I first noticed how calm the woman in the photograph looked.  However, when I looked at the captain, it stated “A woman held on to a lightpost amid very strong winds and rain that battered pedestrians in Copley Square on Jan. 24. (John Tlumacki/Globe Staff).”  I would have never thought that she was holding on to lightpost in order to keep herself from blowing away due to the strong winds.  It almost looks like she is posing for the photo with the way that she is standing.  I found the photo to be hilarious and immediately thought of one of the “Keep Calm and…” memes.  So, I decided to make my own “Keep Calm” meme and captian this photo “Keep Calm & Hug A Pole.”  I wanted to add color to the captain or background.  However, I felt as though the color made the post more hectic and less calm feeling.


DS106: The Big Caption

Okay, so as soon as I saw the picture of the 2018 Boston Marathon on the Big Picture, I knew that was going to be the picture for me. It’s so easy to make fun of my fellow Bostonians; we make it really easy, to be honest, especially since we don’t care. We like being called Massholes, we really do. My friends and family like to joke about it ourselves. In the spirit of making fun of ourselves, I decided…

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Okay, so as soon as I saw the picture of the 2018 Boston Marathon on the Big Picture, I knew that was going to be the picture for me. It’s so easy to make fun of my fellow Bostonians; we make it really easy, to be honest, especially since we don’t care. We like being called Massholes, we really do. My friends and family like to joke about it ourselves. In the spirit of making fun of ourselves, I decided to play on our love of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. If anyone outside of Massachusetts knows anything about us, it’s that we love a good, large iced coffee no matter what season it is. I will gladly walk into a Dunkin’ Donuts in the dead of winter after a blizzard and order an iced coffee. Just like Bane from The Dark Knight Rises, “…you merely adopted the cold; I was born in it, molded by it.”

Jokes aside, I find that the culture of Boston relies heavily on knowing how to take a joke and to reassure others that even in the worst of times, it, too, will pass. I find that the people of Boston are versatile, tough, spirited, but more than anything, once you get through their rough exterior, they’re the best people to have on your side.


DS 106: The Big Caption

These pictures are amazing. I need to spend more time looking at profound pictures.  At first, I was a little intimidated because some of these pictures are very powerful and are about certain times in the past where everything was not

These pictures are amazing. I need to spend more time looking at profound pictures.  At first, I was a little intimidated because some of these pictures are very powerful and are about certain times in the past where everything was not okay.  I didn’t want to pick a picture where people were in danger or just lost a lot.

I decided to pick this picture because it made me laugh.  First, the man looks like Abe Lincoln, which might have been on purpose, I’m not sure.  Then the kid where I put the circle over is just staring at the man, maybe. I’d like to think so.

Because this picture is set in recent history, and the uncanny resemblance to Lincoln, I decided to write, “When you can’t figure out what year it is.”  This made me laugh, too, because the kid in the picture just looks so confused. Maybe he learned about Lincoln and got confused himself.

I downloaded the picture from the Boston Globe and saved it on my computer. I then put a text box on the bottom of the picture and wrote my caption. I decided to put a circle around the kid that’s looking into the distance because he’s part of the focal point of this meme.

This was a lot of fun! I enjoyed the process of looking at all the pictures and looking for inspiration in the most unlikely of places.


The Big Caption

I personally felt that this project was super easy and also super fun! First, when creating my meme for the day, I went onto http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/ to get the picture to that I could change it’s caption. The original caption for this picture was to show people how excited this little boy was to watch the red … [Read more…]

I personally felt that this project was super easy and also super fun! First, when creating my meme for the day, I went onto http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/ to get the picture to that I could change it’s caption. The original caption for this picture was to show people how excited this little boy was to watch the red sox game (assuming that he already knew the rules and knew what baseball was). However, I decided to turn this meme into something that reflects my own life.

Growing up, my parents were always taking me to see the Portland Sea Dogs. I will be honest with you, I know nothing about baseball! With that being said, I would always sit in my chair, watch the game, and pretend that I knew that was going on. The only thing that I understood was that hitting the ball was a good thing and that missing it was a bad thing.

Creating this meme was super easy. First, I went onto the website and found this picture. I added the pictured to my documents list on my computer. After that, I went onto the meme generator website that I have been using all semester to create this meme. Once I was done, I was then able to save it to my computer so that I could add it to this page.


Daily Create #tdc2343

@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2343 #Sunburn pic.twitter.com/DvTA5VxiwQ — Jessica Brewer (@jessicabrew304) June 9, 2018 As I’m sitting here with a pretty bad sunburn, I was inspired to use it as my topic for this daily create. I’ve always had pale skin that burns easily (it’s the Irish in me). No matter what I do and how often I apply sunscreen, I still manage to get burnt. My left arm is constantly red and about three shades darker than my other arm because…

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As I’m sitting here with a pretty bad sunburn, I was inspired to use it as my topic for this daily create. I’ve always had pale skin that burns easily (it’s the Irish in me). No matter what I do and how often I apply sunscreen, I still manage to get burnt. My left arm is constantly red and about three shades darker than my other arm because it always gets burnt on my 20 minute drive to work. During the archaeology dig the past few weeks, I applied SPF 70+ water-resistant sunscreen (because yanno, working on a beach) and on the first day both of my shoulder blades could have been mistaken for a lobster.


Daily Create #tdc2343

@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2343 #Sunburn pic.twitter.com/DvTA5VxiwQ — Jessica Brewer (@jessicabrew304) June 9, 2018 As I’m sitting here with a pretty bad sunburn, I was inspired to use it as my topic for this daily create. I’ve always had pale skin that burns easily (it’s the Irish in me). No matter what I do and how often I apply sunscreen, I still manage to get burnt. My left arm is constantly red and about three shades darker than my other arm because…

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As I’m sitting here with a pretty bad sunburn, I was inspired to use it as my topic for this daily create. I’ve always had pale skin that burns easily (it’s the Irish in me). No matter what I do and how often I apply sunscreen, I still manage to get burnt. My left arm is constantly red and about three shades darker than my other arm because it always gets burnt on my 20 minute drive to work. During the archaeology dig the past few weeks, I applied SPF 70+ water-resistant sunscreen (because yanno, working on a beach) and on the first day both of my shoulder blades could have been mistaken for a lobster.


DS 106: Demotivate Yourself

I think we’ve all been in a group project where we think we will all have equal amount of work and yet, somehow, all the work ends up in our notebooks.  This is a classic tale for me, that’s for

I think we’ve all been in a group project where we think we will all have equal amount of work and yet, somehow, all the work ends up in our notebooks.  This is a classic tale for me, that’s for sure.  I feel like every time I am in a group project, I end up doing all the work. Even when we all try to divvy up the work.  This doesn’t mean that some partners won’t take one some work.  Everyone has to put in some type of effort, but the majority of the work ends up on my desk.  I always go into group projects with some sort of hope that this time will be the time that everything works out well.  But even if most of us take the time to work together, there’s always that one person who is just present at all the meetings.

This DS work was not one of my favorites.  I wasn’t too pleased with the outcome or the wording. I had other images in mind and different wording, but I decided to go with this one because it was my favorite among the others that I made.  The theme “demotivate” isn’t the best type of work for myself, as I try to find some way to bring my dry sense of humor out.  I guess the inspiration wasn’t strong enough for today’s assignment. Fingers crossed for the next one!


Demotivate Yourself

I chose to use this image of my mom’s dog Luna because it always makes me laugh. After doing the archaeology dig the past week, my whole body is sore and at the end of every night I come home and fall asleep right away. I also thought that using a picture of a dog would be a good idea because even those who aren’t archaeologists will find humor in it, because dogs dig.  To create this image I used…

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I chose to use this image of my mom’s dog Luna because it always makes me laugh. After doing the archaeology dig the past week, my whole body is sore and at the end of every night I come home and fall asleep right away. I also thought that using a picture of a dog would be a good idea because even those who aren’t archaeologists will find humor in it, because dogs dig.  To create this image I used Motivator, which generates the poster for you. All you do is upload your image and type what you want the caption to be, and the website does the rest.


Daily Create #tdc2337

it’s all in the wrist 👌 #eng304cripps #tdc2337 pic.twitter.com/eymC8KC3BP — Jessica Pierce (@greenjay23) June 4, 2018 Everyone knows about the OK hand gesture, right? Honestly, if I just take a look in my photo library on my phone, I’m bond to come up with something obscure like this. I’m pretty sure I made the Spongebob video at first so I could send it to the group chat. I really wanted to add the infamous Zack Galifianakis laugh, so I decided…

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Everyone knows about the OK hand gesture, right?

Honestly, if I just take a look in my photo library on my phone, I’m bond to come up with something obscure like this. I’m pretty sure I made the Spongebob video at first so I could send it to the group chat. I really wanted to add the infamous Zack Galifianakis laugh, so I decided to record his, uh…hissing…? And then I used a Video Editor I downloaded for free from Microsoft–thanks, Bill Gates. It took a little bit to try and figure out how to add the Zack Galifianakis clip, but I eventually got it. Meanwhile, I looked up on how to pronounce Galifianakis after I was done. What a name.


DS106 Daily Create #3

Second one of the same genre because I’m just trying to figure out how this is supposed to work….
Floral Meme with a Doggo


Second one of the same genre because I’m just trying to figure out how this is supposed to work….

Floral Meme with a Doggo


DS106 “Whats The Meme?”

When I first found out that I was going to be making a meme, I was excited. I am a huge fan of them and spend way too much time scrolling through my social media, laughing at them. Luckily, I was not a photogenic child and I have plenty of potential meme content in all …

Continue reading “DS106 “Whats The Meme?””

When I first found out that I was going to be making a meme, I was excited. I am a huge fan of them and spend way too much time scrolling through my social media, laughing at them. Luckily, I was not a photogenic child and I have plenty of potential meme content in all of my photo albums. This particular picture always makes me smile and I thought others might enjoy it as well. My process behind picking a caption was trying to think of something strange that makes me mad. People thinking the game Minesweeper doesn’t make me mad but it is my favorite game to play so I can get defensive about it sometimes when people talk about their opinions of it. From there, I downloaded a meme creating app called “meme creator” on my phone in order to get the authentic meme look with the somewhat standard formatting. The app was extremely user-friendly with a box on top of the picture where you can write the words you want to appear at the top of your chosen image, and the same thing on the bottom. I am happy to have created my first meme. I now get to contribute to content instead of just appreciating the work of others.


